AI is expected to increase productivity while also requiring a willingness to change from both individuals and organizations.
More than 70% of organizational transformations do not meet their targeted goals
86 out of 100 employees do not feel strong emotional attachments to their company
13 million experienced and knowledgable baby boomers are leaving the job market, while 15 million Gen Z'ers have new demands and desire strong engagement.
The demand for an innovative, meaningful and sustainable corporate culture is growing
"We shape Evolution instead of Transformation:
Successful business management and
corporate value creation
through strengths-oriented leadership and
a culture of emotional connectedness."
Increase desire to perform - your employees are more productive and intrinsically motivated
Dealing with complexity - develop the capability to restore organizational direction and clarity
Enhancing power - focus on complementary strengths and skills to develop new essential questions and answers
Leveraging and promoting emotional connections - lead, inspire and engage employees in a purposeful and value-oriented way
Balancing polarities - integrating economic and emotional values is crucial for achieving success in professional challenges
Our Services - entrepreneurial and strengths-oriented
We help you in the transition to an organisation in which people and teams are focussed on achieving common goals in a highly self-motivated, engaged and productive way. We adapt processes, structures and standards while building on existing strengths in a future-oriented manner.
Organisational Strengths
Our Why
"We at ActivateFuture are convinced that the connection between people makes the seemingly impossible possible."